Unlocking Higher Education for All in Galway

Unlocking Higher Education for All!

The BRIDGE Project & Schools of Sanctuary invite you to an information session on pathways to higher education for people seeking international protection, refugees, and asylum seekers.

Tuesday, 4th March
3:00 PM
The Eglinton Hotel, Galway

This session is ideal for students, parents, and educators looking to explore education opportunities and support systems.

Speakers Include:
Sara Hakim – Director, Schools of Sanctuary
Kinda Nassli – Sanctuary in Education Coordinator
Sanctuary Ambassador – Sharing personal insights & experiences

Limited places available! Secure your spot now by emailing Mika@gcp.ie

Please bring a photo ID (TRC/IRP/Passport/Travel Document) for registration.

Don’t miss this chance to learn, connect, and take the next step in your education journey! #EducationForAll #SanctuarySchools #RefugeeSupport #HigherEducation #Galway


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