Schools Network

Member School Counties

Champion Schools

Click on any champion school to view their SoS portfolio

Champion Schools List

What does a Champion School of Sanctuary mean?

The goal for every Member School is to become a designated “Champion School of Sanctuary,” a recognition that celebrates the school’s deep commitment to creating a welcoming, inclusive, and safe environment for all students, regardless of their background and differences, especially for refugees and those seeking sanctuary.

There are three stages to this:

  1. Review Stage

The school undergoes a review process, where the Sanctuary Committee shares a portfolio of evidence demonstrating the school’s engagement with the three Sanctuary Principles: Learn, Action, and Share.

2. Monitoring Visit

A team of monitors visits the school to evaluate the implementation of the Sanctuary Principles and provide feedback on areas for further improvement.

3. Awarded as Champion School of Sanctuary

If the school meets the criteria set forth by the Schools of Sanctuary initiative, it is officially recognized as a Champion School of Sanctuary, receiving a plaque and certificate to display proudly. The School will continue to expand its initiatives and reach more schools to join the journey by sharing their good practices.

Member Schools List

What does a Member School of Sanctuary mean and it’s difference to Champion School?

Schools join the School of Sanctuary by officially writing to us, demonstrating their school’s intention to join the School of Sanctuary Network, and they become members by achieving the following:

  • Has signed the School of Sanctuary pledge and demonstrated the charter in their school.
  • Engages with the 3 core principles of Schools of Sanctuary e.g. Learn and Action principle. Read or Learn more 
  • Celebrates Diversity
  • Invites guest speakers on themes e.g. refugees, racism, discrimination, diversity, etc
  • Organises culture days
  • Participates in School of Sanctuary events
  • Officially announces that they are a School of Sanctuary
  • Has sanctuary committee
  • Active on Social Media, Website sharing sanctuary messages.

When member Schools are Awarded Champion Schools of Sanctuary status:

The following will be some of the key characteristics of the Champion Schools of Sanctuary. 

  • Has been monitored and awarded Champion designation
  • Has a live Sanctuary Portfolio, being regularly updated
  • Sanctuary messages shared on the school’s website, and social media channels.
  • Organises networking meetings with other schools, sharing good practices.
  • Encourages other schools to follow suit.
  • Is part of National Champion Schools, building partnerships
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