Becoming a School of Sanctuary

Schools of Sanctuary (SoSI), inspiring models of inclusion and welcome for all, are starting up all over Ireland. Follow these simple steps to find out more and get involved. Check out our Resources section for ideas for learning, action and sharing. Becoming a School of Sanctuary is not a programme, it's a journey and you can start your journey at any time.
  1. Fill out our contact form here or email us at
  2. Look through our  ‘Quick Guide to becoming a School of Sanctuary’.
  3. Make sure your school Board of Managment and staff are fully supportive of your decision to become a School of Sanctuary
  4. Plan a day or event to celebrate the launch of your Sanctuary journey. Make sure the whole school community know you are becoming a School of Sanctuary.
  5. Read through and sign the Schools of Sanctuary Charter and  Pledge Form.
  6. Fill out and submit our Schools of Sanctuary Membership form
  7. Set up a small committee, including staff and students, to spearhead school’s Sanctuary journey.
  8. Contact a nearby Champion School of Sanctuary for inspiration and support here. Your Schools of Sanctuary Coordintaor can put you in contact with a school near by.
  9. Embed the 3 Principles, Learn, Action and Share – more information here.

Becoming a Champion School of Sanctuary

  1. Develop a digital portfolio and, when your school is ready, contact SoSI to organise a Monitoring visit.
  2. When you have been recognised as a Champion School of Sanctuary, you’ll be invited to an Award Ceremony.
  3. Continue to Learn, Action and Share as a Champion School of Sanctuary.

Support Sanctuary

Schools of Sanctuary is a stream of Places of Sanctuary, which provides support and welcome to refugees and people seeking sanctuary.

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