Missed our recent Info Clinics? You can catch up!

We were delighted to present two information clinics for teachers in September, one for primary school and the second for post-primary schools. Many thanks to all of the teachers who registered and attended the clinics. It has made us so excited for the new school year and we can’t wait to help all of these schools on their Sanctuary journey now!

Huge thanks to the teachers from Champion Schools of Sanctuary who gave inspiring words of advice and inspiration on these clinics- Mark Kelly (Bunscoil McAuley Rice), Frank Keane (Scoil Bhríde Shantalla) and Michelle Jordan (Loreto Secondary School Wexford). It’s invaluable for other teachers to hear the tips from the top from teachers who understand the nature (and benefits!) of the Sanctuary journey.

If you missed the chance to register for either of these sessions, we can provide you with the recording of one or both of them. Just drop us a line- schools@ireland.cityofsanctuary.org

The slides of the sessions were based on this presentation that is available to download from the website, designed to be used for in-school presentations if you so wish!


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