Webinar for Wear Red Day

Schools of Sanctuary Ireland is partnering with the Immigrant Council of Ireland for their Wear Red Day initiative by presenting a short webinar for post-primary schools (only).

The webinar will look at the nature of racism, particularly anti-migrant racism, in our communities. It will also discuss the role of social media in aggravating racism and hatred but also the positive possibilities of online platforms to build stronger and more cohesive communities through sharing information and acts of solidarity and empathy. 

We invite all POST-PRIMARY SCHOOLS to register now to attend the webinar, to either watch it live or receive the recording after the Easter holidays. It is suitable for all year groups, 1st– 6th (click on the pic to register for the webinar).

Please share this message with any schools that you know might be interested in getting involved in Wear Red Day and/or attending the SoSI webinar. Together we are stronger!

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