Solidarity with Ukraine on the anniversary of the Russian invasion

February 24 has now become a sad day in the history of the modern world; on this day in 2022, Russia started the war against the independent state of Ukraine. As a result, more than 8 million people have had to flee their country and have come to Europe as refugees*. 
Ireland has welcomed 75,000 Ukrainians under the Temporary Protection Directive* since February 2022. 34% of the arrivals are children and young people. According to the information reported by the Department of Education by the beginning of February 2023, over 14,400 Ukrainian children were enrolled in schools- 9,334 of these in primary schools, with 5,148 in post-primary schools. That comprises 92% of all Ukrainian children arrived, which is one of the highest rates of enrolment by international standards.
Today we would like to express our continuous support to Ukrainians and to welcome every child and parent who has found protection in Ireland.
 And we also would like to say a huge THANK YOU to every school and every teacher who is doing such a fantastic job in these unprecedented circumstances, with large number of new students joining your schools. We appreciate that you are doing your absolute best to help them find sanctuary and feel safe and welcomed!

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